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June 30, 2016Privatization. Attraction of foreign investors
The long announced plans of Ukraine in relation to massive privatization are being gradually implemented. The importance of privatization is backed by the need, on the one hand, to fulfill…
June 29, 2016Easement of currency restrictions
On 7 June 2016, the National Bank of Ukraine (the NBU) adopted its Resolution No. 342 “On stabilization of credit and currency control markets of Ukraine”, which significantly eased some…
June 28, 2016Private enforcement officers to be introduced in Ukraine
On 2 June 2016, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the Law “On authorities and officers which enforce court judgments and decisions of other authorities”, which introduced a mixed system of enforcement…
June 13, 2016DLF attorneys-at-law obtained approval for concentration
On 15 April 2016, DLF attorneys-at-law successfully obtained approval for economic concentration (M&A) for a transaction, which encompassed acquisition of banking assets of the European banking and insurance group by…
June 13, 2016Peculiarities of taxation of abroad employment intermediaries
In its letter No. 8923/6/99-99-19-03-02-15 dated 20 April 2016 the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine clarified peculiarities of taxation of abroad employment intermediaries. Thus, the procedure for VAT taxation of…
June 13, 2016Consequences of failure to perform normative monetary evaluation of land
On 11 May 2016, the Supreme Court of Ukraine at its joint meeting of civil and criminal chambers decided the matter on invalidation and cancellation of resolution of the district…
June 13, 2016New conditions for probation period
On 17 May 2016, the Verkhovna Rada adopted changes to the Labour Code of Ukraine in relation to probation period. Thus, the Law extended the list of categories of employees…
June 6, 2016New category of commercial disputes
On 1 May 2016, the Law of Ukraine regarding certain changes in relation to protection of investors’ rights became effective. The Law provides for changes in the Commercial Procedural Code…
June 5, 2016The Cabinet of Ministers approved ‘single window’ system at customs
On 25 May 2016, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved establishment and concept of functioning of the automated ‘single window’ system at customs, which is an electronic data exchange…
June 4, 2016Payment of dividends by joint stock companies
On 12 April 2016, the National Securities and Stock Market Commission by way of its decision No. 391 approved the procedure for payment of dividends by joint stock companies. Pursuant…