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June 20, 2024Participation of foreign companies in public procurement in Ukraine
1. Participation of non-resident legal entities in public procurement 2. Local content of production 3. Online tender platforms in Ukraine 4. “Eurobids” 5. A sample guide for participation in public procurement 6. Qualification criteria 7. Appeal against the terms of…
June 11, 2024Legal regulation of employment relationships in Ukraine
Authored by Igor Dykunskyy, LL.M. and Olga Ianushevych, LL.M., this article (in German) deals with the peculiarities of employment agreements under Ukrainian law, probationary periods and the duration of employment agreements, as well as remuneration for work.
May 31, 2024Reconstruction of Ukraine: the logistics sector
1. Current status 2. Government support for logistics reconstruction 3. Acquisition of a Ukrainian logistics company 4. Agreements with Ukrainian logistics companies 5. International assistance in the reconstruction of Ukraine 1. Current status In April 2024, Ukraine exported a…
May 20, 2024International technical assistance projects in Ukraine: implementers registration and activities
Introduction 1. Registration of international technical assistance projects 2. Re-registration of international technical assistance projects 3. Denial or cancellation of registration of ITA projects 4. Accreditation of implementers Under Ukrainian legislation, international technical assistance (ITA) refers to financial and…
May 13, 2024Investigating industrial accidents in Ukraine
1. General information 2. Special commission 3. Duties of the special commission 1. General information Accidents that occurred to employees of enterprises (institutions, organisations), their branches, representative offices and other separate and structural subdivisions are subject to special investigation…
May 7, 2024Ukrainian agriculture: turning challenges into opportunities (webinar)
On 27 February 2024, Iurii Dynys, Head of Agribusiness practice at DLF attorneys-at-law Ukraine, held a webinar on “Ukrainian agriculture: turning challenges into opportunities” with the support of the Food and Agriculture Committee of the German-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and…
April 30, 2024International technical assistance in Ukraine: accreditation cancellation and monitoring
1. International technical assistance 2. Cancellation of the implementer’s accreditation 3. Monitoring of ITA projects 1. International technical assistance International technical assistance (ITA) is financial resources and services provided by donors on a free and non-refundable basis in accordance…
April 23, 2024Primary certification of mine action processes in Ukraine
Introduction 1. Processes subject to certification in Ukraine 2. General requirements for document submission 3. Stages of primary certification 3.1. Organisational stage 3.2. Operational stage 3.3. On-site assessment stage 3.4. Data analysis and decision-making One of the measures designed…
April 17, 2024Accounting of LLC and ALC shares in the Central Depository of Ukraine
Starting from March 2024, limited liability companies, additional liability companies and their shareholders may transfer their share accounting from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organisations (hereinafter referred to as the “USREOU register”) to the…
April 15, 2024Cooperation with individual entrepreneurs in Ukraine: incentives and risks
This article (in German) covers, inter alia, tax incentives for cooperation between foreign companies and individual entrepreneurs in Ukraine; the risks of business relationships being reclassified as employment relationships; as well as the reasons for establishing a permanent representative office…