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April 30, 2024

International technical assistance in Ukraine: accreditation cancellation and monitoring

1. International technical assistance
2. Cancellation of the implementer’s accreditation
3. Monitoring of ITA projects


1. International technical assistance

International technical assistance (ITA) is financial resources and services provided by donors on a free and non-refundable basis in accordance with international treaties of Ukraine with the aim of supporting Ukraine.

International technical assistance may be provided in the form of property, works and services, intellectual property rights, financial resources (grants), and other resources, including scholarships.

Related article: Registration of international technical assistance in Ukraine

International technical assistance projects are subject to mandatory state registration in Ukraine. In turn, state registration of a project is the basis for accreditation of the international technical assistance implementer in Ukraine. However, it should be borne in mind that under certain circumstances, the decision to accredit the implementer may be withdrawn.

2. Cancellation of the implementer’s accreditation

The Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has the right to cancel the decision on accreditation of the implementer in the following cases:

  • upon an official request from the implementer to cancel the accreditation decision;
  • termination of the project implementation contract;
  • cancellation of the decision on state registration of the project.

3. Monitoring of international technical assistance projects

Monitoring of international technical assistance projects is carried out by the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine together with the beneficiary and authorised representatives of the development partner during project implementation (ongoing monitoring) and at the final stage of implementation (final monitoring).

To ensure ongoing monitoring, the recipient submits to the beneficiary:

  • by 10 July of the reporting year – the results of the semi-annual monitoring of the project (programme) and by 10 January of the year following the reporting year – the results of the annual monitoring of the project (programme), certified by the responsible person and signed by the head of the recipient;
  • copies of minutes of meetings of supervisory boards and expert groups established to support project (programme) activities, if provided for by the project (programme).

To ensure ongoing monitoring, the implementer annually submits to the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a copy of the report stipulated in the contract with the development partner, or a part thereof, which contains information on the status of project implementation, assistance provided to project recipients, and the amount of funds used.

Important: the recipient’s or beneficiary’s failure to submit the aforementioned documents to the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is considered equivalent to unsatisfactory project implementation, following which the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine informs the development partner of the unsatisfactory implementation of such projects and raises the issue of suspending their implementation with the development partner until the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine receives the necessary documents.

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