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January 25, 2019Customs clearance in Ukraine
The joint publication (in German) by DLF attorneys-at-law and Deutscher Mittelstands-Bund (DMB) provides a general overview of customs regulations of goods (products) movement across the customs border of Ukraine as…
January 22, 2019Basic principles of contracts in Ukraine
The joint publication (in German) by DLF attorneys-at-law and Deutscher Mittelstands-Bund (DMB) provides an overview of the general provisions of contracts, common pitfalls while drafting contracts, as well as important…
December 17, 2018Wages and non-wage labour costs in Ukraine
This German language paper provides, inter alia, an overview of wage taxation issues in Ukraine as well as the conclusion of employment contracts and their termination. The authors of the…
November 5, 2018Renewable Energy in Ukraine: Getting the Deal through 2019
The publication authored by Igor Dykunskyy LL.M. and Yaroslav Anikeev, prepared for Getting the Deal through, a global research platform, provides an extensive overview of the key legislation and regulation affecting…
October 9, 2018Recognition and enforcement of German court decisions in Ukraine
The article (written in German) had been prepared for the brochure “Legal regulation and protection of investment in Ukraine”, which was published by the Delegation of the German Economy in Ukraine….
September 7, 2018Turning point for the Ukrainian financial market?
This article in German provides an overview of revolutionary amendments to foreign exchange regulations in Ukraine declaring freedom of capital movement and foreign exchange transactions, as well as analyzes the…
August 18, 2018Corruption risks significantly lowered
This article in German provides an overview of the key legislative amendments in the privatization of state-owned and municipal enterprises in Ukraine and gives a brief analysis of a number…
June 8, 2018What will the new LLC law bring?
In this article in the German language, Igor Dykunskyy, LL.M. analyzes the novelties introduced by the new LLC law, particularly, the possibility of concluding shareholders agreements, significant transactions and corporate…
June 1, 2018Renewable energy in Ukraine
In this article, written in English, Igor Dykunskyy, LL.M. and Dmitriy Sykaluk discuss the current regulations of the renewable energy sector of Ukraine, including the feed-in tariff and its applicable…
May 23, 2018Taxes in Ukraine 2018
This brochure deals with general information about tax rates, objects and bases of taxation in Ukraine, as well as peculiarities of taxation of certain categories of taxpayers. Taxation of non-residents…