Freelancers will work with foreign clients without contracts
On 7 July 2015, the National Bank of Ukraine published its letter No. 2201012/46746, in which it clarified control over transactions of residents which export services to non-residents via Internet.
Thus, the National Bank of Ukraine allowed freelancers to work with foreign clients without conclusion of contracts. The servicing banks will no longer demand separate sealed agreements, because now the invoice on rendered services satisfies the requirements of currency regulations. Such invoice along with the document on payment shall be considered as confirmation of the contract relations.
Simplified procedure for freelance cooperation applies to freelance exchange (programmers, designers, copyrighters, translators), direct sales (programmers, designers, copyrighters, translators), application stores (programmers), stocks (photographs, illustrators, operators), trading platforms (masters, intermediaries in sales of goods ‘Made in Ukraine’), advertising intermediaries (websites owners, bloggers).